Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Walking with Superman: Day 111

Memory Lane is like a slice of the past, preserved in a privately-owned valley in Rogersville, TN. The small 1950s-style replica town is only typically open on Memorial Day, but lately it's been a little more active. Memory Lane is growing in both size and population, thanks to the nefarious nostalgiamancer who has taken up the mantle of the new Mad Mod! It's Mod rule on Memory Lane, as innocents are assimilated into the fantasy, adding to the villain's power. Superman steps in, but before he can defeat the Mad Mod, he's going to have to make it through The Pack--Peekaboo! Darci! The Folded Man! Johnny Angel!--Mad Mod's 50s-themed team of superpowered enforcers! Will Superman be able to stop the badnik beatnik, or will Rogersville become a permanent sock-hop?

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