The idea of a Black Canary miniseries intrigues me. I like that it seems like it'll be examining the whys and wherefores of a character giving up her high-stress, high-priority position on the Birds of Prey in order to take care of an adopted daughter, only to be suddenly caught up in a marriage proposal and a leadership spot on the JLA.
This image, however, bodes ill.

I mean, honestly. All other anatomical problems aside, I should not be able to see ass-crack and both breasts in the same image. This looks like the solicitation for "Black Canary: Spinal Crisis" with M.C. Escher on pencils.
She's so bendy.
I don't know why, but I blame Dancing with the Stars for this.
I'm assuming Michael Turner has something to do w/ this.
I actually stood in front of a mirror, and tried to replicate this pose.
I believe that I have fractured something. (hobbles to the medicine chest for aspirin.)
Her legs are far too long. The thighs are as long as her torso AND head. And at first glance I was really excited by a Black Canary miniseries. *pout*
Heh. I made this comment elsewhere, but it really looks to me like her butt is making a break for the edge of the page, like it wants to escape.
My dog can bend that way when she's happy excited and wagging her body.
But not for mere humans.
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